» Arduino chip sticker label
I’ve been working with a super minimal Arduino setup recently. After seeing Alex’s awesome Arduino/ATmega breadboard header, where he notes there’s no room on the PCB for pin labeling, I wondered if it would be possible to make a small sticker that goes on the ATmega chip, labeling the pin names.
Here’s my first attempt:

And in use:

This was created by printing on a full-page sticker then laser cutting it to shape. I could have also just cut out the sticker with scissors, or used regular printer paper and double-sided tape.
Some files if you want to try this out yourself:
- arduino-atmega-sticker.eps — EPS of just the sticker itself.
- arduino-atmega-sticker.svg — SVG version
- arduino-atmega-sticker.pdf — PDF version
- arduino-atmega-sticker-lasercut.cdr — Coreldraw file containing instructions & registration marks for printing then laser cutting your own sticker.
Disclaimer: All the information in this blog is just gathered from different sites in the web and placed here and I am not the owner for these content
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