Sunday, June 20, 2010

Build Your Own Arduino

With a few inexpensive parts and a solderless breadboard you can quickly and easily build your own Arduino. This concept works great when you want to prototype a new design idea, or you don’t want to tear apart your design each time you need your Arduino.The example below shows how to hook up the components on your breadboard. We will go into further detail throughout this project.

The first thing you need to do is set up power. With your breadboard and components in front of you… let’s get started! With this step, you will be setting the breadboard Arduino up for constant +5Volts power using a 7805 voltage regulator.

Programming Options

The first option is to buy a TTL-232R 3.3V USB – TTL Level Serial Cable. These can be purchased at or The other two options, which I prefer are to buy one of two breakout boards from
They are:
 FT232RL USB to Serial Breakout Board, SKU: BOB-0071 (This
option takes up more space on your breadboard)
 FTDI Basic Breakout - 3.3V SKU: DEV-08772 (This option, and
using right angle male headers works the best out of all three
because it is secured better on the breadboard)
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