Sunday, June 20, 2010

Arduino For ZIGBEE Wireless module Code


ATDH -> set to SH of partner radio
ATDL -> set to SL of partner radio
ATJV1 -> rejoin with coordinator on startup
ATD02 pin 0 in analog in mode with a photo resistor (don't forget the voltage divider circuit--resistor to ground is good)
ATD14 pin 1 in digital output (default low) mode with an LED from that pin to ground
ATIR64 sample rate 100 millisecs (hex 64)


ATDH -> set to SH of partner radio
ATDL -> set to SL of partner radio


#define VERSION "1.01"

int LED = 11;
int analogValue = 0;
int remoteIndicator = false; // keeps track of the desired remote on/off state
int lastRemoteIndicator = false; // record of prior remote state
unsigned long lastSent = 0; // records last time the remote was re-set to keep it in sync

void setup() {

void loop() {
// make sure everything we need is in the buffer
if (Serial.available() >= 23) {
// look for the start byte
if ( == 0x7E) {
// read the variables that we're not using out of the buffer
// (includes two more for the digital pin report)
for (int i = 0; i<20; i++) {
byte discard =;
int analogHigh =;
int analogLow =;
analogValue = analogLow + (analogHigh * 256);

// darkness is too creepy for romance
if (analogValue > 0 && analogValue <= 350) {
digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
remoteIndicator = false;
// medium light is the perfect mood for romance
if (analogValue > 350 && analogValue <= 750) {
digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
remoteIndicator = true;
// bright light kills the romantic mood
if (analogValue > 750 && analogValue <= 1023) {
digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
remoteIndicator = false;

// set the indicator immediately when there's a state change
if (remoteIndicator != lastRemoteIndicator) {
if (remoteIndicator==false) setRemoteState(0x4);
if (remoteIndicator==true) setRemoteState(0x5);
lastRemoteIndicator = remoteIndicator;

// re-set the indicator occasionally in case it's out of sync
if (millis() - lastSent > 10000 ) {
if (remoteIndicator==false) setRemoteState(0x4);
if (remoteIndicator==true) setRemoteState(0x5);
lastSent = millis();


void setRemoteState(int value) { // pass either a 0x4 or and 0x5 to turn the pin on or off
Serial.print(0x7E, BYTE); // start byte
Serial.print(0x0, BYTE); // high part of length (always zero)
Serial.print(0x10, BYTE); // low part of length (the number of bytes that follow, not including checksum)
Serial.print(0x17, BYTE); // 0x17 is a remote AT command
Serial.print(0x0, BYTE); // frame id set to zero for no reply
// ID of recipient, or use 0xFFFF for broadcast
Serial.print(00, BYTE);
Serial.print(00, BYTE);
Serial.print(00, BYTE);
Serial.print(00, BYTE);
Serial.print(00, BYTE);
Serial.print(00, BYTE);
Serial.print(0xFF, BYTE); // 0xFF for broadcast
Serial.print(0xFF, BYTE); // 0xFF for broadcast
// 16 bit of recipient or 0xFFFE if unknown
Serial.print(0xFF, BYTE);
Serial.print(0xFE, BYTE);
Serial.print(0x02, BYTE); // 0x02 to apply changes immediately on remote
// command name in ASCII characters
Serial.print('D', BYTE);
Serial.print('1', BYTE);
// command data in as many bytes as needed
Serial.print(value, BYTE);
// checksum is all bytes after length bytes
long sum = 0x17 + 0xFF + 0xFF + 0xFF + 0xFE + 0x02 + 'D' + '1' + value;
Serial.print( 0xFF - ( sum & 0xFF) , BYTE ); // calculate the proper checksum
delay(10); // safety pause to avoid overwhelming the serial port (if this function is not implemented properly)
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